Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Update - Closing of Faith Quilters

With heavy heart I wanted to let you know I've decided to discontinue Faith Quilters. It was a decision I struggled with for 3 days but one I had to make. I will certainly miss seeing the ladies every week. I sincerely hope that everyone will continue with their quilts as in the long run it doesn't really matter where you sew, its that you love sewing. I encourage all the ladies to keep quilting and hopefully use your talents to help and comfort people you encounter along your path. I will be helping Dana finish her first quilt and will post that here as she did an amazing job.

When I have quilted the comfort quilt tops I have on hand I will be donating them to the Lakeland Police Department. They will be given as a sign of comfort to their wounded officers. I'll post the maker and photos here once they are finished. The blog will be here and if you need anything posted please email me.

I will be continuing as time allows to work on my comfort quilts that will also go to people I find in need of comfort. I never know where they'll come from but God never fails to send me someone when a quilt is ready. From here on all those will be posted on my personal blog. There is a link here or you can type in - GOD BLESS

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